The Healing Chaga Mushroom
Guide Sam Alfred Guide Sam Alfred

The Healing Chaga Mushroom

I feel such a deep connection to this powerful healer. Its rugged exterior and charcoal-like appearance may be unassuming, but hidden within lies a treasure trove of medicinal properties that have been revered for centuries. I am constantly in awe of the incredible healing properties Chaga possesses.

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Why Fall Is The Best Season For Harvesting Chaga
Guide Jess T Guide Jess T

Why Fall Is The Best Season For Harvesting Chaga

Now, let me tell you how to properly harvest this magical fungus. It's not just a matter of hacking away at a tree with a saw - that's a big no-no. It leads to unnecessary waste and can damage the tree in a way that it may not recover from. I’m also not a fan of chiseling it off, as it does not allow for proper appreciation of the fungus and can cause harm to the tree.

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